Transparency enables Efficiency.

Utilities optimization by hoteliers for hoteliers.

Energy prices are rising, and climate regulations are increasing. Understanding and optimizing your energy, water, and heat consumption is more important than ever.

Utilities Performance Benchmarking (UPB) provides personalized benchmarking reports for hotels to identify and address critical consumption issues. This helps them save costs while becoming more sustainable.

The Problem:
Hotel utilities are rarely analyzed.

Up to 10% of revenue is lost to energy costs – and the trend is rising.

(DEHOGA Energy Campaign)

Utitlity costs are the fastest-growing operating cost for hotels.

(US Environmental Protection Agency – Energy Star for Hospitality)

The biggest concern for European hoteliers is (rising) energy costs.

(European Accommodation Barometer 2022)

80% of guests find sustainable travel important.

( Sustainable Travel Report 2023)

The Solution: Benchmarking!

A study by the Federal Ministry shows that energy benchmarking enables direct savings.

International examples confirm: Hotels that compare their energy efficiency identify weaknesses, lower costs, and improve competitiveness.

Wenige Schritte zum Benchmark Report!

1.Register the Properties

Your property is registered in our database. Specific data points are collected, such as your utility usages and specific characteristics of your hotels.

2.Select CompSet

Based on an algorithm, personalized suggestions for comparable hotels are made. However, you decide which hotels should be included in your CompSet!

3.Recieve Benchmark Report

Der oben gezeigte Bericht wurde anhand zufällig generierter Daten erstellt. Er ist eine Annäherung wie ein Benchmarking-Bericht aussehen könnte.

Improve your efficiency through benchmarking now!